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Unity meditation

Message to humanity (extracted from Sophia’s blog post, dated 17th August 2017,

These forces right now on your planet are beings who’ve turned 100% service to what they perceive as self.  This “self” is a distorted image and in fact it is not self, but rather an imaginary view of a controlling force now embodied on earth as the cabal or deep state or the dark alliance or all of the above.
This force now present on your planet means to push their agenda forward to what they deem as an inevitable conclusion – domination of the planet.
It is important now for you to know that they are wrong about the inevitable conclusion – they will not dominate the planet.  Their agenda is one of total destruction and will not be carried to completion.
How this ends however, is up to the beings involved – not just human, but all. There are many races now stepping in and up to the plate.
They are here for the final moments and these moments are here.
Do not lose faith.  This agenda, the one put forth by the dark ones, is not the final story.
Your story has yet to be told. You are writing it now. Hold fast to every knowing you have of what is true, important and life sustaining.  Now, perhaps to the greatest extent ever in your history, you need to remain clear and true to your purpose.
You’ve come to enrich a planet with love and unity.  It (the planet) has felt you, and your intentions are seeped into all beings on her, on Gaia.
It is for this reason the push back is so blatant and aggressive.  Fear predominates the agenda of the controllers.
Love must predominate the force of those here for other reasons. This would be all beings focused now on the light, on unity and on evolution.  Continued focus and determination are paramount.
It is this moment now that all of your formidable power comes into play.
Use these most recent, blatant, aggressive and destructive actions as a catalyst for your own force. It is a force of love and it is this force that controls and sustains all of creation.
You come now to the table fully armed and prepared. Stay. Not to fight, but to propel the light that you are.

Join the world-wide unity meditation on 21 August 2017, in your local time zone: